Thursday, April 22, 2010


People from Italy love eating! They take food very seriously! Their food are very rich in carbohydrates and meats. They have very heavy meals.

Traditionally for breakfast they have coffee, pane (crusty bread) with fresh jam, panini (fresh bread rolls), brioche (breakfast pastries), cornetti (croissants) and marmellata (fresh jams of different types). Their breakfast are usually full of sweets. They rarely have salty food for breakfast.

The lunch is the most important meal for Italians. The lunch is divided in antipasto or appetizer, primo piatto or first course, secondo piatto or second course, and dessert. They always drink water with a meal and sometimes they drink wine.The dessert is always followed by coffee.

Antipastos usually are bruschettas, prosciutto, breads , and cheese.

In the first course they usually eat pasta or risotto.

For the second course they usually have meat (fish, chicken or beef), vegetables and/or salads.

Italians have for dessert fruits, gelattos or tortas.

After all this food, for dinner usually they have a "light" meal, like salamis, pizzas, salads, fruits and coffee.

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